#59 Being Loveable & Loveability

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'"   Matthew: 22:37-38

1.  In the English Dictionary, loveability means having characteristics that attract love or affection.  The world defines loveability as the measurement of how loveable another person is.  

2.  But let's switch that definition:  loveability is our ability to love.  

3.  Our ability to love is not about how much people approve of us, like us or accept us.  It's about our skill or ability to love.

4.  When we try to increase our loveability so that other people will love us, it's a disaster because we can't control others.

5.  But when we decide that our loveability is going to depend on how much we love others, our life is richer and simpler.

6.  To grow our loveability means that we love more even when others are challenging to love.  This includes loving ourselves.

7.  The goal is not to change the other person, the goal is to love them as they are.

8.  As with us, the goal is not to change our bodies to be more loveable, but to rise to the challenge to love ourselves where we are right now.

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